Unveiling your Unicorn potential


Software development is a unique beast. It’s almost impossible to predict everything upfront, and project changes can catch you off guard. With these challenges in mind, it’s wise to plan carefully, and that’s where the Discovery phase comes in.

Start Discovery


What is it?

The Discovery stage is the period of planning that happens at the start of a project. Product Discovery is your trusty guide to ensuring your product is spot-on. From validating ideas, and analyzing the market to finding that elusive Product-Market Fit — product Discovery has got you covered.
We’ll support your product with a robust understanding of your user base, market dynamics, and the specific problem you aim to solve.
Discovery goals: where curiosity meets strategy
Achieve Product-Market Fit
The key to product success lies in finding the Product-Market Fit. How to do it? Through software product Discovery, we validate your project idea with real users rather than relying on assumptions. Together, we explore your concept and unveil its potential to be the Next Big Thing.
Prevent expensive mistakes
It’s a fact: 9 out of 10 startups fail. Yet, for those who persist in the initial stages of product Discovery, the odds of success increase dramatically. Software Discovery guides and shapes the outcomes, ensuring you have a clearly defined Vision and a Product Roadmap with deadlines you can rely on.
hand with money
Deliver on-point User Experience
Software Discovery proves highly effective in understanding the genuine issues faced by users. Engaging in conversations with users allows you to identify their challenges and transform them into valuable features within the app, empowering you to craft an exceptional product.
love message
Key benefits

Securing investment capital

Consider this scenario: you’ve conceived a brilliant idea, but it requires validation and testing. The Discovery stage empowers you to offer prospective investors solid real-life data.

Assessing technical viability

If you’ve got a ready-to-go concept but need to test its viability and technical feasibility. The Discovery process ensures there’s clarity before fully committing to the project.
How do we nail the Discovery process?

Problem Definition

We start by clearly defining the problem your product aims to solve and setting its objectives. Our team will assist you in shaping your product vision and establishing KPIs.

Thorough Research

Discovery is all about researching: the market, competitors, users, and technology. Our team will support in-depth user issue analysis and detailed product idea research.

Prototype Validation

We’ll help you create a prototype for the core app functionality, validate it, gather user feedback, and continuously refine the prototype.

Scope & Requirements

In brief, we develop use cases to ensure accurate project estimates, risk identification, and financial projections, giving you a clear insight into your app’s development requirements.

Roadmap Development

Here, we provide accurate project estimates, define the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) features, specify the timeline, and create a product proposal.
Deliverables overview
  • Interactive Prototype
  • UI Design
  • Architecture Documentation
  • Tech Stack Identification
  • Product Vision
  • Backlog
  • Roadmap
  • Cost & Timelines estimation
  • Team Composition
  • Product Requirements Documentation
  • Risk Identification
Let’s build something awesome together!
Ready to dive in?
Tech Lead
Business Analyst
UX/UI Designer
Project Manager
3-6 weeks depending on the project

Start Discovery

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